Analisis Pemberdayaan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone

UMAR HALIM, ANDI (2013) Analisis Pemberdayaan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK ANDI UMAR HALIM. Analisis Pemberdayaan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone (Dibimbing oleh Prof Dr H Muris, M.Si dan Dra Hj. Rahmini Hustin M.Pd). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kuantitatif dan kualitatif pemberdayaan MGMP IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone, untuk mengetahui pemahaman guru IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone mengenai Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone dan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang menghambat dan mendukung pelaksanaan MGMP IPA SMP di Kabupaten dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 22 orang yang tersebar di 13 sekolah yakni SMN 4 Barebbo, SMPN 6 Watampone, SMPN 1 Mare, SMPN 7 Watampone, SMPN 8 Watampone, SMPN 1 Lappariaja, SMPN 1 Watampone, SMPN 2 Sibulue, SMPN 2 Watampone , SMPN 4 Watampone dan SMPN 2 Tellusiattinge,. Instrumen yang digunakan kemudian divalidasi oleh dua orang validator ahli di bidangnya. Instrumen berupa lembar evaluasi diri di isi oleh ketua MGMP, lembar evaluasi diri yang diisi oleh responden berupa guru IPA SMP serta lembar pemahaman MGMP yang dalam pengisiannya di isi pula responden berupa guru IPA SMP. Data tersebut dianalisis dalam bentuk diskripisi berupa narasi dan persentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pemberdayaan MGMP IPA SMP di kabupaten Bone terdiri dari strukutur pengurus MGMP. Dalam hal ini ketua MGMP melaksanakan semua aspek komponen dalam kegiatan MGMP IPA begitu pula dengan anggota MGMP IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone. Hal tersebut menafsirkan bahwa pemberdayaan MGMP IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone terlaksana dengan baik, (2) Tingkat pemahaman guru IPA SMP di kabupaten Bone mengenai Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone mempunyai rata-rata pencapaian pemahaman secara umum baik. Dengan demikian pemberdayaan guru IPA SMP di Kabupaten Bone secara umum terlaksana dengan baik, (3) Adapun faktor pendukung dalam kegiatan MGMP IPA yakni tersedianya dana yang memadai, adanya dukungan dari pihak pejabat dinas pendidikan dan berupa sarana prasarana. Sedangkan faktor penghambat berupa kurang disiplinya para guru dalam mengikuti kegiatan MGMP dan minimnya implementasi hasil kegiatan MGMP di sekolah masing-masing serta tidak di berlakunya sangsi terhadap guru yang tidak menghadiri kegiatan MGMP. ABSTRACT ANDI UMAR HALIM. 2014. Analysis on the Empowerment of Teacher Education Consensus Points of Sentence at SMPN in Bone District (supervised by Muris and Rahmini Hustin). The study is a survey research, which aims at investigating the description quantitatively and quantitatively on the empowerment of MGMP (Teacher Education Consensus Points) of IPA (science) at SMPN in Bone district, the comprehension of science teachers on MGMP of IPA at SMPN in Bone, and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of MGMP of IPA at SMPN in Bone district. The respondent were 22 people spread in 13 schools, namely SMPN 4 Barebbo, SMPN 6 Watampone, SMPN 2 Mare, SMPN 7 Watampone, SMPN 8 Watampone, SMPN 6 Lappariaja, SMPN 1 Watampone, SMPN 2 Sibulue, SMPN 2 Watampone, SMPN 4 Watampone, and SMPN 2 Tellusiettinge. The instruments used were validated by two experts. The instrument were in forms of self evaluation sheet fulfilled by the Head of MGMP and teachers of IPA at SMPN as well as understanding MGMP sheet. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study showed that (1) the empowerment of IPA at SMPN in Bone district consisted of the structure of organization of MGMP such as the head of MGMP who conducted all aspects of activity as well as the members of MGMP of IPA at SMP in Bone district. It was indicated that the empowerment of MGMP of IPA at SMP in Bone district was conducted well, (2) the level of understanding of seince teachers at SMP in Bone district on MGMP of IPA was good in average. Thus, the empowerment of science teachers at SMP in Bone district was conducted well in general, (3) the supporting factors of the activity of MGMP of IPA were the sufficient funding, support from the prominent people at education agency in terms of facilities; the inhibiting factors were lacked of discipline of teachers who followed the activities and lacked of implementation of the result of activities at school as well the as no sanction on teachers who does not attend the activity.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: PASCASARJANA > Biologi
Date Deposited: 02 Nov 2016 05:41
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2016 05:41

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