.Personality and the Speaking Ability of the Fourth Semester Students of UNISMUH Makassar.

NURHANA, NURHANA (2013) .Personality and the Speaking Ability of the Fourth Semester Students of UNISMUH Makassar. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRACT NURHANA.Personality and the Speaking Ability of the Fourth Semester Students of UNISMUH Makassar.(Supervised by M. AsfahRahman and SyarifuddinDollah) The objectives of this research were to find out (1) the personality of the fourth semester students of UNISMUH Makassar,(2) the speaking ability of the fourth semester students of UNISMUH Makassar in terms of monologue and dialogue,and (3) whether or not the fourth semester students of UNISMUH Makassar have a significant difference in speaking ability in terms of monologue and dialogue in regards of their personality dimensions of extrovert-introvert, sensing-intuition, thinking-feeling, judging-perceiving. This research employed causal-comparative design. This research applied cluster sampling technique. The population of this research was the fourth semester students of UNISMUH Makassar. The samples of this research consisted of38 students. The instruments of the research consisted of personality test constructed by MBTI and speaking test. The research results revealed that (1) the personality of the fourth semester students consisted of extroversion (21), introversion (17), sensing (23), intuition (15), thinking (25), feeling (13), judging (20), perceiving (18), (2) the mean score showed that the students’ speaking ability in terms of monologue (50.7) and dialogue (54.8) was classified as poor, and (3) the independent sample test showed that there is no significant difference of the students’ speaking ability in terms of monologue (0.650>0.05) and dialogue (0.495>0.05) in regards of their personality dimensions of extroversion-introversion, there is significant difference of the students’ speaking ability in terms of monologue (0.007<0.05) and dialogue (0.039<0.05) in regards oftheir personality dimensions of sensing-intuition, there is no significant difference of the students’ speaking ability in terms of monologue (0.075>0.05) and dialogue (0.082>0.05) in regards of their personality dimensions of thinking-feeling, there is no significant difference of the students’ speaking ability in terms of monologue (0.597>0.05) and dialogue (0.950>0.05) in regards oftheir personality dimensions of judging-perceiving. ABSTRAK NURHANA.TipeKepribadiandanKemampuanBerbicaraMahasiswa Semester Empat UNISMUH Makassar.(Dibimbingoleh M. AsfahRahmandanSyarifuddinDolla). Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahui: (1) tipe-tipekepribadianmahasiswasemester empat UNISMUH Makassar,(2) kemampuanberbicara monolog dan dialogmahasiswa semester empat UNISMUH Makassar,dan(3)apakahterdapatperbedaankemampuanberbicara monolog dan dialogmahasiswa semester empat UNISMUH Makassarberdasarkantipe-tipekepribadianextrover-introver, sensing-intuisi,thinking-feeling, judging-perceiving. Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitiankausal-komparativdenganmenggunakanteknikklaster samplingdalampemilihansampel.Populasipenelitianiniadalahmahasiswa semester empat UNISMUH Makassar.sampelpadapenelitianterdiridari 38 mahasiswa. Instrument penelitianiniterdiridari personality tesdaninterview. Hasilpenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwa: (1) terdapat 21 mahasiswaberkepribadianextrover, 17 mahasiswaberkepribadianintrover, 23 mahasiswaberkepribadiansensing, 15 mahasiswaberkepribadianintuisi, 25 mahasiswaberkepribadianthinking, 13 mahasiswaberkepribadianfeeling, 20 mahasiswaberkepribadianjudging, dan 18 mahasiswaberkepribadianperceiving., (2) berdasarkannilai rata-rata, kemampuanberbicara monologmahasiswaadalah 50,7dankemampuanberbicaradialogmahasiswaadalah 54,8 yang keduanyatergolongkurang, dan(3)berdasarkanhasiluji t dapatdisimpulkanbahwatidakterdapatperbedaankemampuanberbicara monologdan dialog antaramahasiwa yang berkepribadian extrovert danmahasiswa yang berkepribadianintrovert (0,650>0.05)(0,495>0,05), terdapatperbedaankemampuanberbicara monolog dan dialogantaramahasiswa yang berkepribadian sensing danmahasiswa yang berkepribadianintuisi (0,007<0,05) (0,039 < 0,05), tidakterdapatperbedaanberbicara monolog dan dialogantaramahasiswa yangberkepribadian thinking danmahasiswaberkepribadianfeeling (0,075>0,05) (0,082>0,05), dantidakterdapatperbedaankemampuanberbicaramonolgdan dialog antaramahasiswa yangberkepribadian judging danmahasiswa yang berkepribadianperceving (0,597>0,05) (0,950>0,05). Key words: personality, speaking ability, MBTI, monologue and dialogue

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SASTRA > Bahasa Inggris
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2016 00:49
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2016 00:49
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/932

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