The Development of Students’ Worksheets Face to Face Online Based on Hypercontent on Temperature and Heat Topic

Khaeruddin, Khaeruddin and RAHMAWATI, RAHMAWATI and Nurfazlina, Nurfazlina and Salwa, Rufaida and Nurhayati, Nurhayati (2022) The Development of Students’ Worksheets Face to Face Online Based on Hypercontent on Temperature and Heat Topic. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), 8 (6). pp. 3011-3019. ISSN 2460-2582

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The 21st century is a century that encourages humans to integrate life with ICT and education is no exception. However, in reality, in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar, the use of technology such as mobile phones and the use of teaching materials is still lacking. Therefore, one of the efforts made is to produce hyper-content-based student worksheet so that students are more interested in learning physics. This study aims to describe the content validity of hyper-content student worksheet on temperature and heat topic. Furthermore, the goals of this research was to describe the practicality of the response of teachers and students to hyper-content based student worksheet on the temperature and heat topic, and describe the effectiveness of student worksheet for the given questions. This research is a type of development research (R&D) using the ADDIE model design (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). The results showed that the feasibility of hyper-content-based student worksheet based on the assessment of valuators 1 and 2 was categorized as very feasible, with the percentage of student worksheet validation 96.0%. Teachers and students gave a very positive response to the practicality of the student worksheet based on hyper-content- as a learning medium with a teacher response percentage of 100.0% with very practical criteria and student responses 84.37% very practical criteria. The effectiveness obtained from the students' test results of 0.59 criteria is quite effective.

Item Type: Article
Universitas Negeri Makassar > KARYA ILMIAH DOSEN
Depositing User: Dr. Khaeruddin Khaeruddin
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2023 04:13
Last Modified: 12 Apr 2023 04:13

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