PengaruhSupervisiAkademikPengawas, KepemimpinanKepalaSekolah, danKulturSekolahterhadapKinerja Guru SMK Negeri di KabupatenTakalar

DARMIN, DARMIN (2016) PengaruhSupervisiAkademikPengawas, KepemimpinanKepalaSekolah, danKulturSekolahterhadapKinerja Guru SMK Negeri di KabupatenTakalar. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK . 2016.(DibimbingOlehMansyurdanTriyantoPristiwaluyo). Tujuanpenelitianiniyaitu: (1) untukmengetahuigambaransupervisiakademikpengawas, kepemimpinankepalasekolah, dankultursekolahterhadapkinerja guru SMK Negeri di KabupatenTakalardan (2) untukmengetahuipengaruhsupervisiakademikpengawas, kepemimpinankepalasekolah, dankultursekolahterhadapkinerja guru SMK Negeri di KabupatenTakalar. Metodepenelitianterdiridari: (1) jenispenelitianexpost facto, (2) populasipenelitianyaseluruh guru SMK Negeri di KabupatenTakalarberjumlah 303 orang guru, (3) Pengambilansampelmenggunakanrumusslovin yang menghasilkanjumlahsampel 173 orang gurudan data dikumpulkanmelaluikuesioner, denganmenggunakaninstrumen yang sudahdivalidasiolehdua orang pakardanujicobasecaraempirikterhadap200 orang responden, (4) Variabelpenelitianterdiriatasduavariabelbebasyaitusupervisiakademikpengawas (X1), dankepemimpinankepalasekolah (X2), satuvariabel intervening yaitukultursekolah (X3), dansatuvariabelterikatyaitukinerja guru (Y), (5) teknikpengumpulan data berupakuesionerdandokumentasi, (6) teknikanalisa data denganmenggunakanteknikanalisisdeskriptifdanteknikanalisisinferensial (program lisreldananalisisjalur). Hasilpenelitianberdasarkananalisisdeskriptifyaitu: (1) rata-rata skorpelaksanaansupervisiakademikpengawassebesar 133,59beradapadarentangskor 131-144 dengankategoribaik, (2) rata-rata skorkepemimpinankepalasekolahsebesar 168,46beradapadarentangskor162-177 dengankategoribaik, (3) rata-rata skorkultursekolahsebesar 67,62 beradapadarentangskor 63-68dengankategoricukupbaik, dan (4) rata-rata skorkinerja gurusebesar 161,54 beradapadarentangskor 155-170 dengankategoribaik. Hasilpenelitianberdasarkananalisisinferensialyaitu:(1) supervisiakademikpengawasberpengaruhlangsungsecarasignifikanterhadapkinerja guru yaitusebesar 29% danberpengaruhtidaklangsungmelaluikultursekolahsecarasignifikansebesar 1,61%. Total yaitu 30,61%. (2)kepemimpinankepalasekolahberpengaruhlangsungsecarasignifikanterhadapkinerja guru sebesar 18% danberpengaruhtidaklangsungmelaluikultursekolahsecarasignifikansebesar 15,41%. Total yaitu 33,41%. (3) Ada pengaruh yang signifikankultursekolahterhadapkinerja guru sebesar 23%. ABSTRACT DARMIN.2016 The Influence Of Academic Supervision Of Supervisors, Principals’ Leadership, And School Culture Toward Teachers’ Performance At Public Vocational School In Takalar District (supervised by MansyurandTriyantoPristiwaluyo). The objectives of the research were to examine: (1) the description of academic supervision of supervisors, principals’ leadership, and school culture toward teachers’ performance at SMKN (public vocational school) in takalar district and (2) the influence of academic supervision of supervisors, principals’ leadership, and school culture toward teachers’ performance at SMKN in takalar district. The methods of the research consisted of: (1) the type of ex-post facto research, (2) the populations of the research were all the teachers at SMKN in takalar district with 303 teachers, (3) the samples were taken by using slovin formula and obtained 173 teachers and the data was collected through questionnaire by using instrument which had been validated by two experts and empiric test toward 200 respondents, (4) the variables of the research consisted of two independent variables, namely academic supervision of supervisors (X1) and and principals’ leadership (X2), one intervening variable, namely school culture (X3), and one dependent variable, namely teachers’ performance (Y), (5) the techniques of collecting data, were questionnare and documentation, (6) data analysis technique employed inferential and descriptive analysis (lisrel program and path analysis). The results of the research based on descriptive analysis were: (1) the average score of the implementation of academic supervision of supervisors was 133.59 in the range of score 131-144 with good category, (2) the average score of principals’ leadership was 168.46 in the range of score 162-177 with good category, (3) the average score of school culture was 67.62 in the range of score 63-68 with fairly good category, and (4) the average score of teachers’ performance waas 161.54 in the range of score 155-170 with good category. The results of research based on inferential analysis were: (1) the academic supervision of supervisors had direct influence significantly toward teachers’ performance by 29% and had indirect influence through school culture significantly by 1.61%. the total was 30.61%, (2) the pricipals’ leadership had direct influence significantly toward teachers’ performance by 18% and had indirect influence through school culture significantly by 15.41%. the total was 33.41% , and (3) there was significant influence of school culture toward teachers’ performance by 23%. Keyword: Academic Supervision of Supervisors.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: PASCASARJANA > Evaluasi Pendidikan
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2017 02:41
Last Modified: 12 Jun 2017 02:41

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