inerja Profesional Guru Bersertifikat Pendidik di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Mamuju.

Budianto, Budianto (2013) inerja Profesional Guru Bersertifikat Pendidik di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Mamuju. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK Budianto. 2013. Kinerja Profesional Guru Bersertifikat Pendidik di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Mamuju. (Dibimbing oleh Chalid Imran Musa dan Husain Syam). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kinerja profesional sebagai proses kerja, dan gambaran kinerja profesional sebagai hasil kerja guru bersertifikat di SMP Negeri kecamatan Mamuju, serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja profesional guru bersertifikat pendidik di SMP Negeri kecamatan Mamuju . Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, sumber data kepala sekolah, guru bersertifikat pendidik dan siswa yang dipilih secara purposive sampling serta dokumen sekolah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi, data dianalisis secara kualitatif yaitu data reduction, data display, dan comclutions drawing/verification. Lokasi penelitian SMPN 1 Mamuju, SMPN 2 Mamuju, SMPN 3 Mamuju, SMPN 4 Mamuju, dan SMPN 5 Mamuju. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja profesional sebagai proses kerja dengan kemampuan mengembangkan kurikulum, mengorganisasikan materi, merencanakan pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, melakukan penilaian hasil belajar, berkompetisi dan mengembangkan profesi guru bersertifikat pendidik pada umunya menunjukkan kinerja yang masih rendah. Kinerja profesional sebagai hasil kerja dengan kemampuan menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran, hasil belajar siswa dan laporan penelitian tindakan kelas guru bersertifikat pendidik pada umunnya menunjukkan kinerja yang masih rendah. Faktor pendukung kinerja profesional guru bersertifikat pendidik adalah penentuan kriteria ketuntasan minimal yang tinggi, komitmen yang tinggi, penguasaan materi dan metode pembelajaran yang baik, kepemimpinan kepala sekolah yang memberdayakan dan teman sejawat yang senantiasa memberikan masukan. Faktor penghambat kinerja profesional guru bersertifikat pendidik adalah rombongan belajar melebihi kelas ideal, sarana prasarana yang kurang memadai dan kompetensi yang kurang tentang penilaian, metode penelitian, dan TIK, serta kegiatan Diklat atau MGMP yang masih minim. Kata Kunci: Kinerja Profesional, dan Guru bersertifikat pendidik. ABSTRACT BUDIANTO, 2013. Professional performance of certified educator teachers at SMP Negeri in Mamuju district. (supervised by Chalid Imram Musa and Husain Syam) The study aimed to describe the professional performance as a working process, and to describe professional performance as a working outcome as well as to know the factors that influence the professional performance of certified educator teachers at SMP Negeri in Mamuju district. The study was a qualitative descriptive research .Data sources were principlas, certified educator teachers and students that were selected by purposive sampling and school documents. Data were collected through interview, observation and study of documentation. Data were analized qualitatively by conducting data reduction, data display and conclution or verification. The Study was conducted at SMPN I Mamuju, SMPN 2 Mamuju, SMPN 3 Mamuju, SMPN 4 Mamuju and SMPN 5 mamuju. The study revealed that professional performance as working process, with the ability to improve curriculum, organizing subject, lesson planning, implementing learning, evaluation learning outcome, to compete and to improve the profession of certified educator teachers in general was still low. The professional performance as working outcome with the ability to provide lesson planning, students learning outcomes and class action research report of certified educators teachers was still low. The supporting factors of professional certified educator teacher were high criteria minimal completeness, high commitment , subject mastering, and good learning method as well as principle leadership empowerment and constantly input from peers. The inhibiting factors of professional performance certified educator teacher were class over capacity, lack of infrastructure, lack of assessment competence and research methode, ITC, training actitities or MGMP was still minimal. Keyword : Professional performance, and certified educator teacher.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2016 08:32
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2016 08:32

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