Wahyuni, Sri (2017) DeskripsiKesulitanBelajarMatematikaSiswaDitinjaudariKetersediaandanPenggunaanFasilitasBelajar. Diploma thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR.
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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bersifat kualitatif,bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kesulitan belajar matematika ditinjau dari ketersediaan dan penggunaan fasilitas belajar di rumah.Subjekdaripenelitianiniterdiridari 4 (empat) orang. Keempatsubjekpenelitiantersebutdipilihberdasarkanketersediaanfasilitasbelajarmatematikasiswa di rumah. 2 (dua) subjekmewakilikategorifasilitastergolongbaik (S3 dan S4), dan 2 (dua) subjekmewakilikategoritergolongkurangbaik (S1 dan S2).Instrumen dari penelitian ini berupaangketdiagnosakesulitanbelajarmatematikaditinjaudariketersediaandanpenggunaanfasilitasbelajardanangketfasilitasbelajar.Fasilitas belajar yang dimaksudadalahRuang belajar, penerangan, meja belajar dan kursi belajar,lemari atau rak buku,papan tulis, alat tulis, alat gambar, kalkulator, buku pelajaran matematika, buku rumus-rumus matematika, internet, laptop atau komputer, android (handphone), danguru privat. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanyahambatan yang dialamiolehsubjekS1 dan S2 akibatfasilitasbelajar di rumah yang kurangmenunjangsehinggasubjekS1 dan S2 kesulitandalambelajarmatematika.UntuksubjekS3 dan S4, penggunaanfasilitasbelajaryang tersediasangatmembantu proses belajarmatematika di rumah,sehinggatidakterjadihambatanketikabelajarmatematika..Setiapindikatorfasilitasbelajarmemilikiperananmasing-masing yang mampumembantusubjekketikabelajarmatematika di rumah, sehinggatanpafasilitasbelajar,adahambatan yang dialamiketikainginbelajarmatematika di rumahyangmenyebabkankesulitanbelajar. Kata kunci: kesulitanbelajar, fasilitasbelajar ABSTRACT Sri Wahyuni, 2017. Description of Student’s Mathematics Learning Difficulties in Terms of The Availability and The Use of Learning Facilities.Thesis. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. State University of Makassar This study was a descriptive research that aimed to describe mathematics learning difficulties in terms of the availability and the use of learning facilities at home. This research consists of 4 people as objects. These subjects were chosen based on the availability and the use of learning facilities at home. Two subjects represented the category of adequate facilities (S3 and S4) and two subjects represented the category of inadequate facilities (S1 and S2). These research instruments consisted of diagnosis questionnaire of mathematics learning difficulties in terms of the availability and the use of learning facilities and questionnaire of learning facilities. The learning facilities in question were study room, lighting, desk and chair, cupboard or bookshelf, whiteboard, stationary, drawing tools, calculator, mathematics textbook, book of mathematics formula, internet, laptop or computer, android (handphone), and private tutor. The result of this research showed that there were obstacles experienced by subjects S1 and S2 as a result of the inadequate learning facilities at home so that subjects S1 and S2 face difficulties in learning mathematics. For subjects S3 and S4, the use of available facilities helps mathematics learning process at home, so that there is no obstacle when learning mathematics. Every indicator of learning facilities has their own role that can help the subjects while they are learning mathematics at home, so that, without learning facilities, there are obstacles experienced when they want to learn mathematics at home that make them face learning difficulties. Keyword: learning difficulties, learning facilities
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Divisions: | FAKULTAS MIPA |
Depositing User: | UPT PERPUSTAKAAN UNM |
Date Deposited: | 03 Apr 2018 07:14 |
Last Modified: | 03 Apr 2018 07:14 |
URI: | http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/6679 |
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