A Study on Male and Female Teachers’ Communication Strategies in EFL Classroom (supervised by Baso Jabu and Kisman Salija).

PONIRIN, SATRIANI (2018) A Study on Male and Female Teachers’ Communication Strategies in EFL Classroom (supervised by Baso Jabu and Kisman Salija). S1 thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR.


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This research aimed to know the use of communication strategies and to identify the similarities and differences of communication strategies used by male and female teachers in EFL classroom. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative research method to find out the phenomena of communication strategies used by male and female teachers in EFL classroom. The subject of this research focused on two male teachers and two female teachers of MAN 2 Model Makassar. The participant was chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The data collection was done through observation and interview. Observation was conducted in twelve meetings from different context such as class and time and learning topic. The researcher conducted observation by using audio recorder. Audio recorder was used to record teacher’s utterance in the teaching and learning process. Interview was used to get additional information about the use of communication strategies by male and female teachers. The result of this research show that The communication strategies used by male and female teachers in EFL classroom were nonverbal signal, literal translation, code switching, using gambits, fillers or hesitation device, self and other repetition, self initiated repair, appeals for help, and meaning negotiation. The similarities of the communication strategies used by male and female teachers were in terms of achievement strategy, stalling gaining strategy and interactional strategy. In achievement strategy, male and female teacher used the same types of nonverbal signal and the same patterns of literal translation and code switching. In terms of stalling gaining strategy, male and female teachers used the same types of fillers and same patterns of self and other repetition and in terms of interactional strategy, the teachers used the same types of appeal for help and meaning negotiation. The last the difference of the communication strategies used by male and female teachers was in terms of self monitoring strategy. The female teacher tended to perform self initiated repair while making a mistake while male teacher didn’t perform self initiated repair when make mistakes. Keywords: Communication strategies, Teachers’ Communication Strategies, EFL Classroom

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2018 05:42
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2018 05:42
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/9505

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