Deskripsi Karakteristik Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa SMA Ditinjau dari Gaya Berpikir

ANGGRAENI, RIANG (2014) Deskripsi Karakteristik Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa SMA Ditinjau dari Gaya Berpikir. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK RIANG ANGGRAENI. 2014. Deskripsi Karakteristik Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa SMA Ditinjau dari Gaya Berpikir. (Dimbimbing Oleh Prof. Dr. Ruslan, M. Pd. dan Dr. Alimuddin, M. Si.). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik pemecahan masalah matematika siswa SMA ditinjau dari gaya berpikir dengan cara mengungkap setiap kategori gaya berpikir siswa berdasarkan tahapan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang difokuskan untuk menelusurigaya berpikir dan mengungkap berbagai informasi yang berkaitan dengan karakteristik pemecahan masalah siswa. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Pallangga yang terdiri dari 9 orang. Peneliti bertindak sebagai instrumen utama yang dipadu oleh tes pemecahan masalah, tes gaya berpikir, dan pedoman wawancara yang valid. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pemberian tes pemecahan masalah yang diverifikasi dengan wawancara, serta melakukan triangulasi metode dan triangulasi sumber untuk mendapatkan data yang valid. Analisis data dilakukan melalui metode perbandingan tetap pada data hasil tes pemecahan masalah dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: gaya berpikir yang berbeda cenderung mempengaruhi pola pikir subjek dalam menafsirkan dan memilih strategi pemecahan masalah; (1)karakteristik pemecahan masalah subjek sekuensial konkret cenderung eksplisit, visual, konvergen, berpola pikir induktif, algoritmik, dan sistematis, (2) karakteristik pemecahan masalah subjek sekuensial abstrak cenderung representatif secara verbal, analitik, divergen, berpola pikir induktif, dan sistematis, (3) karakteristik pemecahan masalah subjek acak konkret cenderung non-linear, intuitif, visual, konvergen, dan berpola pikir deduktif, (4) karakteristik pemecahan masalah subjek acak abstrak cenderung non-linear, analitik, representatif secara verbal dan simbolik, divergen dan berpola pikir deduktif, (5)perbedaan karakteristik pemecahan masalahsubjek sekuensial konkret (SSK) dan subjek sekuensial abstrak (SSA) adalah SSK cenderung eksplisit, visual, dan konvergen sedangkan SSA cenderung representatif secara verbal, analitik, dan divergen, (6) perbedaan karakteristik pemecahan masalahsubjek sekuensial konkret (SSK) dan subjek acak konkret (SAK) adalah SSK cenderung algoritmik, sistematis, eksplisit, dan berpola pikir induktif sedangkan SAK cenderung non-linear, intuitif, dan berpola pikir deduktif, (7) perbedaan karakteristik pemecahan masalahsubjek sekuensial abstrak (SSA) dan subjek acak abstrak (SAA) adalah SSA cenderung sistematis, algoritmik, dan berpola pikir induktif sedangkan SAA cenderung acak, non-linear dan berpola pikir deduktif, (8) perbedaan karakteristik pemecahan masalahsubjek acak konkret (SAK) dan subjek acak abstrak (SAA) adalah SAK cenderung intuitif, visual, dan konvergen sedangkan SAA cenderung analitik, representatif verbal-simbolik, dan divergen. ABSTRACT RIANG ANGGRAENI. 2014. Description of the Characteristics of Problem Solving in Mathematics of SMA Students Based on Thinking Styles (supervised by Ruslan and Alimuddin). The study aims at describing the characteristics of problem solving in Mathematics of SMAN students based on thinking styles. The study is a qualitative research which focuses on tracing the thinking styles and revealing various information which related to the characteristics of problems solving conducted by students. The subjects of the study were 9 students of class XI IPA at SMAN 1 Pallangga. The researcher acted as the main instrument supported by test of problem solving, test of thinking styles, and valid guided interview, conducted triangulation of method and triangulation of sources to obtain valid data. Data were analyzed through constant comparison method on the result of data of test of problem solving and interview. The results of the study revealed that different thinking styles which tended to influence thinking pattern of subject in interpreting and choosing the strategy of problem solving: (1) the characteristics of problem solving of subject with sequential concrete tended to be explicit, visual, convergent, inductive way of thinking, algorithmic, and systematic, (2) the characteristics of problem solving of subject with sequential abstract tended to be representative, verbalized, analytic, divergent, inductive way of thinking, and systematic, (3) the characteristics of problem solving of subject with random concrete tended to be non-linear, intuitive, visual, convergent, and deductive way of thinking, (4) the characteristics of problem solving of subject with random abstract tended to be non-linear, analytic, representative-verbalized-symbolic, divergent, and deductive way of thinking, (5) the differences between the characteristics of problem solving of subject with sequential concrete (SSK) and subject of sequential abstract (SSA) were the SSK tended to be explicit, visual, and convergent; whereas SSA tended to be verbalized, analytic, and divergent, (6) the differences between the characteristics of problem solving of subject with sequential concrete (SSK) and subject of random concrete (SAK) were the SSK tended to be algorithmic, systematic, explicit, and inductive way of thinking; whereas, SAK tended to be non-linear, intuitive, and deductive way of thinking, (7) the differences between the characteristics of problem solving of subject with sequential abstract (SSA) and subject of random abstract (SAA) were the SSA tended to be systematics, algorithmic, and inductive way of thinking; whereas, SAA tended to be random, non-linear, and deductive way of thinking, and (8) the differences between the characteristics of problem solving of subject with random concrete (SAK) and subject of random abstract (SAA) were the SAK tended to be intuitive, visual, and convergent; whereas, SAA tended to be analytic, representative-symbolic-verbalized, and divergent.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2016 01:32
Last Modified: 07 Dec 2016 01:32

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