Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Matematika melalui Penerapan Model pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual pada Peserta didik kelas XD MAN I Makassar

Mardiah, Mardiah (2014) Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Matematika melalui Penerapan Model pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dengan Pendekatan Kontekstual pada Peserta didik kelas XD MAN I Makassar. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK Mardiah.PeningkatanKualitasPembelajaranMatematikamelaluiPenerapan Model pembelajaranBerbasisProyekdenganPendekatanKontekstualpadaPesertadidikkelas XD MAN I Makassar. (DibimbingolehDR.H.UsmanMulbar, M.Pddan DR. HisyamIhsan, M.Pd) PenelitianiniadalahPenelitianTindakanKelas (Classroom Action Research).ProsedurPenelitianTindakanKelasinidilaksanakansecarabersiklusdengantahapan-tahapan, tahapperencanaan(planning), pelaksanaantindakan (action), observasidanevaluasi (observation and evaluating), danrefleksi (reflecting).Penelitiandilaksanakan di Madrasah AliyahNegeri (MAN) I Makassar, Kota Makassar, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.Subjekpenelitianiniadalahpesertadidikkelas XD MAN I Makassar, tahunpelajaran 2013/2014 denganjumlahsubjek 23 orang yang terdiridari 11 laki-lakidan 12 perempuan. Tindakan yang diberikanadalahpembelajaranmatematikamelaluipenerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstualmateriTrigonometri, yang terdiridariduasiklus, setiapsiklusdilaksanakansebanyaklima kali pertemuandansatu kali pertemuandilakukantesakhirsiklus. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahbagaimanamendeskripsipenerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstualdanuntukmengetahuipeningkatankualitaspembelajaranmatematikamelaluipenerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstualpadapesertadidikkelas XD MAN I Makassar.Teknikpengumpulan data menggunakanlembarobservasipengamatankemampuan guru mengelolapembelajarandanaktivitassiswa, teshasilbelajar, angketresponsdandokumentasi. Hasilpenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwa: (1) Penerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstualdapatmeningkatkankualitas proses pembelajarandilihatdarimeningkatnyaaktivitas yang dilakukanoleh guru selama proses pembelajaran, padasiklus I rata-rata total kemampuan guru (KG) dalammengelolapembelajaranadalah 3,36 meningkatmenjadi 3,54 padasiklus II danberadapadakategoribaikdansangatbaik, (2) Penerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstualdapatmeningkatkankualitas proses pembelajarandilihatdarimeningkatnyaaktivitas yang dilakukansiswaselama proses pembelajaran. Aktivitaspesertadidik yang diamatidalamkategoribaikpadasiklus I menjadisangatbaikpadasiklus II, reratapenilaiansikappadasiklus I adalah 81,2% danmeningkatpadasiklus II sebesar 1,1% menjadi 83,3%, demikianjugapadapenilaianketerampilandarikurangterampilmenjaditerampil, (3) Penerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstualdapatmeningkatkankualitashasilpembelajaran, dilihatdaripeningkatanhasilbelajarsiswayaitunilai rata-rata hasilbelajarsiklus I adalah 74,3 meningkatmenjadi 74,83 padasiklus II, untukpersentaseketuntasanmeningkatdari 83% menjadi 91,3%, (4) Penerapan model pembelajaranberbasisproyekdenganpendekatankontekstual, 83,5% siswamemberikanresponspositifterhadappembelajaranmatematika. ABSTRACT MARDIAH. 2014. Improving Mathematics Teaching Quality through the Application of Project-Based Learning Model by Contextual Approach on Students of Class XD MAN I Makassar (supervised by UsmanMulbar and HisyamIhsan). The objective of the reseachos to obtain the description of the implementation of project-based lerning model by a contextual approach and to determine the improvement of the mathematics instruction quality through the implementation of project-based learning by a contextual to the students in class XD MAN I Makassar. This is a classroom action reseach by implementing cyclic stages, namely designing, action, observation, and reflaction. The experiment was conducted in Madrasah AliyahNegeri (MAN) I Makassar, Makassar of South Sulawesi The subjects were 23 students consisted of 11 men and 12 women in class XD MAN I Makassar of academic year 2013/2014. The treatment given was mathematics through the application of project-based learning model by contextual approach on trigonometry material, which consists of two cycles, cycle setup held five meetings and the final testing cycle was conducted once, Data were collecdted using observation sheet of the teacher’s ability in managing the lesson and student activities, test of learning outcomes, questionnaire of responses, and documentation. The results of this study indicated that: (1) the application of project-based learning model by a contextual approach could improve the quality of the learning process, seen from the increasing activities conducted by techers during the lerning process. The total average of techers ability in managing the lesson was 3.36 in the first cycle and increased to 3.54 in the second cycle, which was in the category of good and very good; (2) the implementation of project-based learning model by the contextual approach could improve the quality of the learning process, seen from the increase actifity of the student during the learning process. Learner activity in the first cycle was categorized as good and in the second cycle increased to very good. The mean score of attitude in the first cycle was 81.2% and increased by 1.1% in the second cycle to 83.3%, as well as the assessment skills from less skilled to skilled; (3) The implementation of project-based learning model by the contextual approach could improve the quality of lerning outcomes, in terms of student learning outcomes improvement by the mean score of 74.3 in the first cycle increased to 74.83 in the second c, in terms of student learning outcomes improvement by the mean score of 74.3 in the first cycle increased to 74.83 in the second cycle. Whereas, the completeness percentage increased from 83% to 91.3%; (4) 83.5% students responded positively to mathematics learning on the implementation of project-based learning model with a contextual approach.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2016 07:31
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2016 07:31

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