Teaching Vocabulary by Applying Song and Flashcards to Kindergarten Students of Bambini SchoolMakassar

ELY, DEWI QHURIL MALASARY (2015) Teaching Vocabulary by Applying Song and Flashcards to Kindergarten Students of Bambini SchoolMakassar. S1 thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR.

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ABSTRACT DEWI QHURIL MALASARY ELY.Teaching Vocabulary by Applying Song and Flashcards to Kindergarten Students of Bambini SchoolMakassar (Supervised by Muhammad AsfahRahmandanBasoJabu). This final project is an action research. In this research, the researcher limited thediscussion by stating the following problem: “Which one of these techniques,applying song, flashcards or applying both techniques (song and flashcard), is the most effective technique to be used in teaching vocabulary for kindergarten students of Bambini School ?” The aims of the research is to find out the most effective technique, applying song, flashcards or applying both techniques (song and flashcard), in teaching vocabulary to kindergarten students of Bambini School. It is expected that the result of the study can inspire the English teachersto provide the best technique for teaching vocabulary in kindergarten class. The subject of the study was kindergarten A2 classes students of Bambini School Makassar (four-five years old students) who are registered and active in the academic year 2015-2016.Three classes had randomly been taken as a sample from six classes. The three classes consisted of 10 students for each class. The total number of the subject was 30 students. There were three steps for each class in this action research. The first step of the activity was the pre-test. The second step of the activity wasgiving the treatment. The Song class was treated by applying songs, the Flashcard class was treated by applying flashcards and the Mixed class was treated by applying both songs and flashcards (mixed technique).The third step of the activity was giving post-test. Based on the data analysis, it can be seen that there is significant difference in the result of the three classes’ students’ post-test. The students of Flashcards class and Mix class got higher posttest score than the students of Songs class. Related to the difference between students’ vocabulary achievement of the Flashcards class and Mix class after treatment given, we can see from the mean value of Flashcards class students’ posttest score (27.20) which is closely higher than the mean value of Mix class students’ posttest score (26.90). This result hopefully would motivate English teachers to be more creative in applying effective techniques such as songs and flashcardsin teaching vocabulary to kindergarten students. ABSTRAK DEWI QHURIL MALASARY ELY.PengajaranKosa Kata denganMenerapkanLagudanKartuBergambarkepadaSiswa-Siswa Taman Kanak-Kanak di Bambini SchoolMakassar (Dibimbingoleh Muhammad AsfahRahmandanBasoJabu). Tugas final inimerupakanpenelitiantindakan.Dalampenelitianini, penelitimembatasipembahasandenganmengajukanpermasalahan : “Yang manakahdariteknik-teknikberikut, menerapkanlagu, menerapkankartubergambarataumenerapkanlagudankartubergambar, merupakanteknik yang paling efektifdalampengajarankosakatakepadasiswa-siswa TK di Bambini School Makassar?”. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmenemukanteknik yang paling efektifdariteknik-teknikberikut, menerapkanlagu, menerapkankartubergambarataumenerapkanlagudankartubergambar,dalampengajarankosakatakepadasiswa-siswa TK di Bambini School Makassar.Hasildaripenelitianinidiharapkandapatmenginspirasipara guru BahasaInggrisuntukmenerapkanteknikterbaikuntukpengajarankosakatadalamkelas TK. Subjekpenelitianiniadalahsiswa-siswa TK kelas A2 di Bambini School Makassar (usiaempat-lima tahun) yang terdaftardanaktifpadatahunajaran 2015-2016.Tiga kelasdiambilsecaraacaksebagaisampeldarienamkelas. Ketigakelasterdiridari 10 siswauntuksetiapkelas.Jumlah total darisubjekadalah 30 siswa. Ada tigalangkahuntuksetiapkelasdalampenelitiantindakanini.Langkahpertamaadalahpemberian pretest.Langkahkeduaadalahpemberiantindakan.Kelaslagudiberitindakandenganmenggunakanlagu, kelaskartubergambardiberikantindakandeenganmenggunakankartubergambardankelascampurandiberikantindakandenganmenggunakanlagudankartubergambar (teknikcampuran). Langkahketigaadalahpemberian posttest. Berdasarkananalisis data, terlihatbahwaterdapatperbedaan yang signifikanpadahasil posttest siswadariketigakelas.Siswa-siwadarikelaskartubergambardankelascampuranmemperolehskor yang lebihtinggidaripadasiswa-siswadarikelaslagu.Sehubungandenganperbedaanantarapecapaiankosakatadarisiswa-siswakelaskartubergambardankelaslagusetelahpemberiantindakan,dapatkitalihatdarinilai rata-rata skor posttest darisiswa-siswakelaskartubergambar(27.20) yang sedikitlebihtinggidaripadanilai rata-rata skor posttest darisiswa-siswakelascampuran (26.90).Hasildaripenemuaninidiharapkandapatmemotivasipara guru BahasaInggrisuntuklebihkreatifdalammenerapkanteknik-teknik yang efektifsepertilagudankartubergambardalampengajarankosakatakepadasiswa TK

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Date Deposited: 30 Nov 2016 06:30
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2016 06:30
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/1350

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