Implementasi Standar Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Di SMP Terbuka Kabupaten Pinrang

HARIADY, HARIADY (2013) Implementasi Standar Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Di SMP Terbuka Kabupaten Pinrang. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK HARIADY. 2014. Implementasi Standar Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Di SMP Terbuka Kabupaten Pinrang (dibimbing oleh Prof. Dr. Nurdin Arsyad, M.Pd dan Dr. Awi Dassa, M.Si). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Implementasi Standar Proses Pendidikan Nasional khususnya pembelajaran matematika di SMP Terbuka Kabupaten Pinrang dengan melibatkan guru bina yang mengajar mata pelajaran matematika sebagai subjek penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) perencanaan pembelajaran (lembar checklist dan wawancara), (2) proses pelaksanaan (lembar observasi dan wawancara), dan (3) penilaian proses (checklist dan wawancara). Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 3 guru bina mata pelajaran matematika. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) Implementasi standar proses dalam pembelajaran matematika oleh guru bina pada (a) administrasi perencanaan pembelajaran oleh MRH dan MRD dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar cheklist dinyatakan dengan Sangat Baik namun secara kualitatif masih ada beberapa komponen persiapan/perencanaan pembelajaran yang belum maksimal, sedangkan oleh JHR dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar cheklist dinyatakan dengan baik (b) kegiatan pembelajaran pada pengamatan dan pemantauan kinerja guru sesuai dengan lembar observasi yang disusun berdasarkan standar proses pembelajaran oleh subjek MRH, JHR, MRD memperoleh kategori Cukup namun terdapat beberapa komponen penilaian kinerja yang paling nyata penerapannya (c) administrasi penilaian oleh subjek MRH, JHR dan MRD (instrumen lembar cheklist) dinyatakan dengan Baik. Hasil penelitian penerapan standar proses dalam pembelajaran matematika di SMP Terbuka Kabupaten Pinrang oleh guru bina matematika yang mengajar di SMP Terbuka Kabupaten Pinrang masih perlu ditingkatkan atau belum maksimal secara keseluruhan, dalam hal tertentu masih perlu mendapat perhatian dan usaha untuk mengoptimalkan secara terintegrasi, sistematis dan efektif sesuai situasi dan kondisi satuan pendidikan dan daerah setempat serta pengembangan diri masih terkesan lamban.   ABSTRACT HARIADY. 2014. The Implementation Of Standard Process Of Mathematics Leraning in SMP Terbuka in Pinrang District (supervised by Nurdin Arsyad and Awi Dassa), The kind of this research is qualitative descriptive which aims to describe the implementation of the standard of national education process, particularly the mathematics learning in SMP Terbuka in Pinrang district with the participations of mathematics teachers as the subjects of this research. The instruments of this research are: (1) learning plan (Interview and checklist sheet), (2) the implementation process (interview and observation sheet), (3) assessment process (interview and checklist). The subjects of this research were mathematics teachers. The results of this research were (1) the implementation of the standard process in mathematics learning by the teachers in (a) the learning plan administration by MRH and MRD by using checklist sheet instrument was stated as very good; however, qualitatively there were still several of the learning plan components which were not maximal; whereas, JHR with the using of checklist sheet instrument was stated as good, (b) the learning activity in the teachers’ observation and monitoring was suitable with the observation sheet which compiled based on the learning) standard process by subject MRH, JHR, MRD obtained moderate category; however, there were some of the performance assessment components with more real implementation (c) the assessment administration by subjects MRH, JHR, and MRD (checklist sheet instrument) was stated as good. The result of the research of the implementation of standard process in mathematic learning in SMP "Terbuka in Pinrang district conducted by the mathematics teachers who taught in SMP Terbuka in Pinrang district was still needed to be increased or not yet maximal overall in certain aspects it still needed more attentions and efforts to optimize in an integrated way, systematically, and effectively according to the situation and condition of the education unit in the area as well as self development appeared to be slow.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Date Deposited: 26 Oct 2016 03:11
Last Modified: 26 Oct 2016 03:11

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