A Study of Self-Concept and Reading Achievement of Junior High School Students in Makassar

NURYANTi, I TAHIR (2015) A Study of Self-Concept and Reading Achievement of Junior High School Students in Makassar. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRACT NURYANTI TAHIR. 2015. A Study of Self-Concept and Reading Achievement of Junior High School Students in Makassar. (Supervised by Afsah Rahman and Abdul Halim). This is a descriptive causal-comparative research using quantitative approach. The purposes of this research were to find out a) the level of reading achievement of the second year students of SMPN in Makassar, b) their self-concept level as well, c) the effect of the students’ self-concept on their reading achievement compared to their respective gender, and d) the influence of individual factors (life experience, other people’s judgment, and stress and coping) and significant other factors (parents, peers and teacher) on students’ self-concept. Four public junior high schools were selected; SMPN 10, SMPN 18, SMPN 19, and SMPN 27 using cluster random sampling technique in which seven classeswere selected from the four schools. The sample size consisted of 234 comprising 77 males and 156 females. The students’ score on multiple choice test was used to evaluate their reading achievements. Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQII)developed by Marsh (1992) was used to evaluate the students’ self-concept.Two additional scales, individual and significant other factor scales were also administered. Regression analysis SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 were employed to explore the contribution of self-concept and students’ reading achievement as well as the influence of individual and significant other factors on students’ self-concept. The result of the reading test showed the students’ were still poor in reading skill with an average of 51.1 (SD= 15.2). The mean score of female students were found to be a bit higher than males’ (Female, M=53.1, SD=14.8 and Male, M=47, SD=15.3). The students’ overall self-concept showed high self-concept level in average(M=256.41). The distribution of students’ academic Self-concept level was more varied than that of non-academic self-concept. Meanwhile, the students’ non-academic self-concept was observed to be higher than their academic self-concept. The findings illustrated that there was a significant influence of students’ overall self-concept and their reading achievement. However, different results were found in the case of academic (ASC) and non-academic self-concept (NASC). Significant contribution of academic self-concept on reading achievement was observed. On the other hand, the result showed no significant influence of non-academic self-concept on students’ reading. Academic self-concept gave influence of 34% and gender exerted significant influence on the students’ reading amounted to 19%.Both individual factors and significant otherswere found to give positive contributionto the students’ self-concept both academic and non-academic self-concept. Interestingly, the contribution of individual factors and significant others on NASC was stronger than their contribution on ASC. Individual factors gave contribution as much as 18% on ASC and 34% on NASC. Significant others factors gave effect 28% on ASC and 44% on NASC. ABSTRAK NURYANTI TAHIR.2015.SebuahStudiTentangKonsepDiridanKemampanMembacaSiswa-Siswi SMP Negeridi Makassar. (DibimbingolehAfsah Rahman dan Abdul Halim). Penelitianiniadalahpenelitiandeskriptifkausal-komparatifdenganmenggunakanpendekatankuantitatif. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuia) tingkatprestasimembaca(Bahasa Inggris) siswa-siswikelasdua SMPN di Makassar, b)tingkatkonsepdirimereka, c) pengaruhkonsepdirisiswaterhadapprestasimembacamerekadenganmemperhatikanfaktor gender, dan d) pengaruhmanafaktorindividu (pengalamanhidup, penilaian orang lain, danstresdanpenangangannya) danfaktor orang-orang terdekat (orang tua, temansebayadan guru) terhadapkonsepdirisiswa. Sampelpenelitianadalah 4 (empat) SMP Negeri di Makassar yaitu; SMPN 10, SMPN 18, SMPN 19, dan SMPN 27, yang dipilihdenganmenggunakanteknik cluster random sampling.Jumlahsampeladalah 234 siswa yang terdiridari 77 siswalaki-lakidan 156 siswiperempuandiambildaritujuhkelas. Tesberbentukpilihangandasebanyak 40 nomordipalaiuntukmengukurkemampuanreading siswa. Self-Description Questionnaire II (SDQ-II) digunakanuntukmengetahuikonsepdirisiswa. Analisisregresi SPSS 20 dan AMOS 20 dipakaiuntukmengujikontribusikonsepdirisiswaterhadapprestasimembacamerekaselainuntukmengetahuipengaruhfaktorindividudan orang-orang terdekatterhadapkonsepdirisiswa. Hasiltesreadingmenunjukkanbahwasiswa-siswakelasdua SMP Negeri di Makassar masihkurangdalamhalketerampilanmembaca (Bahasa Inggris) dengannilai rata-rata 51,1 (SD = 15,2). Nilai rata-rata siswi-siswiperempuansedikitlebihtinggidaripadadibandingkannilai rata-rata siswa-siswalaki-laki (Perempuan, M = 53,1, SD = 14,8 danLaki-laki, M = 47, SD = 15,3). Konsepdiri total siswamenunjukkantingkat rata-rata konsepdiri yang tinggi. Distribusi level konsepdiriakademiksiswalebihbervariasidibandingkandengankonsepdiri non-akademiknya. Sementaraitu, konsepdiri non-akademiksiswaditemukanlebihtinggidarikonsepdiriakademikmereka. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwaadapengaruh yang signifikandarikeseluruhankonsepdirisiswadanprestasimembacamereka. Namun, hasil yang berbedaditemukandalamhalkonsepdiriakademik (ASC) dankonsepdiri non-akademik (NASC). Konsepdiriakademikditemukanmemberikontribusi yang signifikanpadaprestasimembacasiswa. Di sisilain, hasilanalisistidakmenunjukkanadanyapengaruh yang signifikandarikonsepdiri non-akademikterhadapkemampuanmembacasiswa. Konsepdiriakademikmemberipengaruhsebesar 34% dan gender berpengaruhsignifikanterhadap reading siswasebesar 19%. Baikfaktorindividudan factor orang-orang terdekatmemberikontribusipositifterhadapkonsepdirisiswabaikakademikdan non-akademik. Menariknya, kontribusifaktorindividudan orang-orang terdekatditemukanlebihkuatpada NASC dibandingkanpada ASC. Faktorindividumemberikankontribusisebesar 18% pada ASC dan 34% pada NASC. Faktor orang-orang terdekatmemberikanpengaruhsebesar 28% pada ASC dan 44% pada NASC.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SASTRA > Bahasa Inggris
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2016 00:50
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2016 00:50
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/933

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