Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Teknik Sepeda Motor Berbasis Komputer untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK

Syarifuddin, Parenrengi (2015) Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Teknik Sepeda Motor Berbasis Komputer untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK. S2 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK SYAFIUDDIN PARENRENGI. 2015. Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Teknik Sepeda Motor Berbasis Komputer untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMK. (Dibimbing oleh Promotor Husain Syam serta Kopromotor M. Arifin Ahmad dan Abdul Muis Mappalotteng). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor di SMK saat ini, (2) mengembangkan model pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor berbasis komputer (PTSM-BK) dengan mengintegrasikan beberapa metode pembelajaran dan teori belajar konstruktisivisme, (3) mengetahui kevalidan dan kepraktisan model pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor berbasis komputer (PTSM-BK) yang telah dikembangkan dan (4) mengetahui efektivitas model pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor berbasis komputer (PTSM-BK) yang telah dikembangkan dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk berupa perangkat pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor yang dikemas dalam satu model pembelajaran dengan nama Pembelajaran Teknik Sepeda Motor Berbasis Komputer (PTSM-BK) dan diperuntukkan bagi siswa SMK Program Keahlian Teknik Sepeda Motor. Ujicoba dilaksanakan pada tiga SMK di Kabupaten Gowa. Tahapan pengembangan berlangsung pada empat level yang dimulai dari level client system, level instructional system, level lesson plan dan level material development. Setiap level berisi aktivitas identifikasi masalah, analisis masalah, desain, implementasi dan evaluasi. Produk yang dihasilkan dari tahapan-tahapan tersebut divalidasi oleh ahli media dan ahli materi, ujicoba perseorangan, ujicoba kelompok kecil dan ujicoba yang diperluas. Untuk menentukan validitas, kepraktisan dan konsistensi PTSM-BK, dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan Percentage of Agreements antar penilai, konsistensi PTSM-BK yang dikembangkan dapat dilihat konsistensi hasil penilaian yang dilakukan oleh subjek coba. Konsistensi hasil penilaian dapat diketahui dari tingginya koefisien korelasi hasil penilaian yakni kesamaan kesepakatan antar penilai dalam pemberian skor terhadap unjuk kerja objek penilaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) gambaran pelaksanaan pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor di SMK Teknologi saat ini adalah: (a) model pembelajaran yang biasa digunakan guru dalam mengajarkan teori Teknik Sepeda Motor adalah pengajaran langsung (direct instruction), model kooperatif (cooperatve learning), pembelajaran kontekstual (contextual teaching and learning), dan model pembelajaran berdasarkan masalah (problem based instruction), (b) pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran teknik sepeda motor di SMK, selalu disajikan dalam bentuk teori terlebih dahulu kemudian dilanjutkan dengan praktik, (c) media pembelajaran yang digunakan guru dalam mengajarkan teknik sepeda motor adalah media pembelajaran berupa gambar dan media model utuh, (d) guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran sudah menggunakan komputer, (2) langkah-langkah sistemastis pengembangan model PTSM-BK diawali dengan adanya studi pendahuluan berupa analisis kebutuhan yang dilakukan pada x client, selanjutnya tahap desain sistem pembelajaran dan rencana pembelajaran, setelah itu dilakukan material development. Dalam tahap pengembangan materi dipersiapkan seluruh perangkat yang akan digunakan dalam penulisan program. Pada tahap penulisan program diintegrasikan: (a) beberapa metode pembelajaran melalui strategi yang ada pada PBK yaitu tutorial, drill & practice, simulation, games dan testing, (b) teori belajar konstruktivisme melalui interaktivitas program PTSM-BK yang dikembangkan serta dapat dipaketkan dan didistribusikan melalui media penyimpananan seperti flashdisk, externaldisk, atau CD/DVD. Penulisan program menghasilkan produk prototype awal yang divalidasi oleh ahli media dan ahli materi, perbaikan dilakukan setelah adanya masukan dari para ahli. Selanjutnya diujicobakan kepada subjek coba dengan tiga tahap yaitu kelompok perorangan, kelompok kecil dan kelompok yang diperluas. Pada setiap akhir ujicoba dilakukan revisi sesuai hasil penilaian subjek coba. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dihasilkan dari pengembangan PTSM-BK ini yaitu: Model pengembangan, Silabus, RPP- Flowchart, Storyboard, dan prototype produk CDI PTSM-BK. Pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis komputer dapat dibangun dengan perangkat lunak adobe flash, corel video studio, adobe photoshop, dan any video converter, (3) model pembelajaran PTSM-BK yang dikembangkan sudah memenuhi syarat validitas, kepraktisan dan keefektifan, (4) hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa model PTSMBK yang telah dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMK. Xi ABSTRACT SYAFIUDDIN PARENRENGI. 2015. Dissertation. Development of Computer based Motorcycle Technique Learning Model to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Vocational Schools’ Students (supervised by Husain Syam as the promoter, M. Arifin Ahmad and Abdul Muis Mappalotteng as the co-promoters). The research aimed: (1) to discover the description of the implementation of motorcycle technique learning in vocational school nowadays, (2) to develop computerbased motorcycle technique learning model by integrating several learning methods and constructivism learning theory, (3) to discover validity and practicality of computerbased motorcycle technique learning model developed, and (4) to examine the effectiveness of computer-based motorcycle technique learning model developed in improving the learning outcomes of vocational schools students. This development research produced a product in a from of motorcycle technique learning package which was packed in a learning model named computerbased motorcycle technique learning and it was for the student of Motorcycle Technique Skill Program in vocational schools. The trial test was conducted in three vocational schools in Gowa district. The development stage was taken place in four levels started from client system level, instructional system level, lesson plan level, and material development level. Each level contained the activity of problem identification, problem analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. The product was then validated by material and media experts, individual trial test, small group trial test and expanded trial test. In order to determine the validity, practicality, and consistency of computer-based motorcycle technique learning, analysis was conducted by using Percentage of Agreement inter-reter, the consistency of computer-based motorcycle technique learning developed could be seen from the consistency of assessment result was discovered from the high of assessment result correlation, namely similarity agreement of inter-rater in giving score toward the performance of assessment object. The results of the research showed that: (1) the descriptions of the implementation of motorcycle technique in vocational schools nowadays were: (a) the learning models which commonly employed by the teachers in teaching the theory of motorcycle technique were direct learning (direct instruction), cooperative model (cooperative learning), contextual learning (contextual teaching and learning), and problem–based learning model (problem-based instruction), (b) the implementation of motorcycle learning technique learning process in vocational schools was always presented in forms of theory first and continued with practice, (c) the learning media used by the teachers in teaching motorcycle technique was learning media in forms of motorcycle picture and intact model media, (d) the teachers had already used computer when delivering learning materials; (2) the systematic stages of the development of computer-based motorcycle technique learning was started with preliminary study in form of need analysis to client, then learning system design stage, and lesson plan. xii Afterwards, material development was conducted. In the development stage, the entire package which would be used in the program writing was prepared. In the program writing stage, it was integrated with: (a) several learning methods through the strategy in computer-based learning, namely tutorial, drill & practice, simulation, games, and testing, (b) constructivism learning theory through computer-based motorcycle technique learning intractivity which was developed and could be packed and distributed through stroge media such as flash-disk, external-disk, or CD/DVD. The writing of the program produced preliminary prototype which was validated by the material and media experts and revised after obtaining inputs from the experts. Then, it was tested to the subject in three stages, namely individual group, small group, and extended group. In each final test, revision was conducted based on the assessment result of the test subject. The learning package produced from the development of computer-based motorcycle technique learning: Development Model, Syllabus, Lesson Plan, Flowchart, Story Board, and Prototype of Product CDI of computer-based motorcycle technique learning. The development of computer-based learning media could be built with the softwere of Adobe Flash, Corel Video Studio, Adobe Photoshop, and any video conventer; (3) computer-based motorcycle technique learning model developed had fulfilled validity, practicality, and effectiveness requirement; (4) the result of the research showed that computer-based motorcycle technique learning model developed could improve the learning outcomes of vocational schools’ students.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Subjects: ILMU PENDIDIKAN > Pendidkan
Date Deposited: 12 Jul 2016 01:15
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2016 01:15

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