Evaluasi Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Bagi Guru Kelas/Mapel Di SMP Se Kabupaten Toraja Utara Jokebet Saludung Fakultas Teknik UNM Makassar E-mail: jokebet@yahoo.com

Saludung, Jokebet (2014) Evaluasi Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Bagi Guru Kelas/Mapel Di SMP Se Kabupaten Toraja Utara Jokebet Saludung Fakultas Teknik UNM Makassar E-mail: jokebet@yahoo.com. PROSIDING KONFERENSI ILMIAH TAHUNAN HIMPUNAN EVALUASI PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA (HEPI) TAHUN 2014. pp. 425-432. ISSN 978-602-8054-11-9

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Abstract This research was conducted to evaluate of Curriculum 2013 implementation Training for Teachers Classroom /Mapel in Junior High School at North Toraja Regency. Training conducted in North Toraja Regency of June 18, 2014 until June 23, 2014, for 52 hours and was trained by National Instructor. This research aims to evaluate what extent understand of knowledge, attitudes and skills possessed Teachers Classroom/Mapel at Junior High School in North Toraja Regency after Training of Curriculum 2013 Implementation is completed. The training aims to train teachers in order objectives to understand and implement of curriculum 2013 in the classroom appropriate of subjects taught. Followed by the training of Teacher Classoom/Mapel of Mathematics, English, Indonesian, Science, Art and Culture, Penjas, and IPS, as much as 249 people. Subjects of research were Teachers Classroom/Mapel of seven subject were taken by proportional ramdom sampling as many as 100 people. Data were collected by questionnaires, observations, interviews, tests, and analysis by descriptive and qualitative. The expected result that participants understand the training material, has 3 attitude and skills to implement of Curriculum 2013 in the class as optimal as possible. Participants can understand the concept of curriculum 2013, rational and elements of curriculum change, SKL, KI, KD, implementation strategy of curriculum 2013, learning and assessment approaches, the teacher and the student books analyzes ; design and implementation of assessment, scientific approach, learning models, reporting results of assessment, preparation of lesson plans, and teaching practice. Keywords: Evaluation, Training of Curriculum 2013, Teacher of Junior High School

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: Prof.Dr. Jokebet Saludung
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2018 07:38
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2018 07:38
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/4170

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