Assessing the Impact of Creative Problem-Solving Educational Models on Students’ Ability to Think Creatively

Anas Arfandi, Anas Arfandi and Wulandari, Sri and Agung, Muhammad and Mappalotteng, Abdul Muis (2023) Assessing the Impact of Creative Problem-Solving Educational Models on Students’ Ability to Think Creatively. Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Social and Humanities Research (W-SHARE 2022), - (-). pp. 191-198. ISSN 2352-5398

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The capacity of students to think creatively is another factor that plays into whether or not they are successful in accomplishing their educational objectives. There will be less opportunity for students to cultivate original thought if they are exposed to fewer learning models. This study aims to answer whether teaching with a Creative Problem-Solving model increases students’ propensity for creative problem-solving. The investigation employed a strategy known as a quasi-experimental study. The one-group pretest-posttest design was used for the study, and the sample size was thirty students out of a population of one hundred and twenty. The data analysis method uses descriptive statistical analysis, comprised of data gleaned from student response questionnaires and the outcomes of creative thinking ability tests administered to students. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to make sense of the experiment’s results. The findings indicated, with a confidence level of 95%, that there was a significant influence on the relevance of the Creative Problem-Solving education model on the student’s creative thinking skills.

Item Type: Article
Universitas Negeri Makassar > KARYA ILMIAH DOSEN
Depositing User: Dr. Eng. H Muhammad Agung S.T., M.T.
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2023 09:49
Last Modified: 11 Aug 2023 03:28

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