Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013dalam Proses PengajaranBahasa Inggris di SMA 1 Sungguminasa

S, ILHAM (2016) Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013dalam Proses PengajaranBahasa Inggris di SMA 1 Sungguminasa. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRACT ILHAM S. The Implementation of The 2013 Curriculumin English Teaching Processat SMAN 1 Sungguminasa. (Supervised by Arifuddin Hamra and BasoJabu) The objectives of this research were to find out: (1)how the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in English teaching process at SMAN 1 Sungguminasa, (2) advantage and disadvantage of the 2013Curriculum for the school, and (3) the problems faced in the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. This research employedmixed method : quantitative and qualitative. The participants of this research were 3English teachers, 1 vice principal, and 5 students involved as the participants of the study. The instruments of the research consisted of observation, interview, and documentation.In the process of collecting data, the researcher carried out non-participant observation, semi-structured interview, and documentation. The procedure of analyzing the data involved data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion or verification. The results of the research were: (1) the low-scale achievement on the indicators of the teaching process was got by the teachers because the understanding of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum was still less. For the reason that the training of the 2013 Curriculum conducted by government was not optimal and it was conducted only once, (2) all participants have perceptions aboutadvantages of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. these advantages were a) 5 steps in teaching are very good teaching plan, b) Government provides text book to the school, c) Students are more creative and more independent to find out material that they will present in front of the class, d) Students are taught to find out material and present it in front of the class. However, there were disadvantages of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum. These disadvantages werea) the same material in the first, the second, and the third grade, and b)Limited time teaching. (3) There are some problems faced on the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in this school. The problems faced were a) allocation of time teaching was less, b) the complicated assessment system, c) the materials contained in the distributed text books were too much d) Design of syllabus needed to be repaired because some of competencies in the first, second, as well as in the third grade were repeated several times, e) too much students in the class, f) Facilities and learning media was less g) the last was the training of implementation the 2013Curriculum from government only once. The researcher dealt with the conclusion that the implementation is not satisfying because all facilities needed in curriculum implementation are insufficient. ABSTRAK ILHAM S. Pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013dalam Proses PengajaranBahasa Inggris di SMA 1 Sungguminasa. (Dibimbing oleh Arifuddin Hamra dan BasoJabu) Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui : (1) bagaimana pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 pada proses pengajaran bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Sungguminasa, (2) keuntungan dan kerugian sekolah terhadap pelaksanaan kurilum 2013, dan (3) masalah yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian menggunakanmixed method : kuantitativedankualitative. Peserta pada penelitian ini adalah 3 orang gurubahasaInggris, 1 orang wakilkepalasekolah, dan 5 orang siswa.Instrument penelitianiniterdiridariobservasi, wawancara, dandokumentasi.Dalam proses pengumpulan data penelitimelaksanakannon-partisipantobservasi, wawancara semi-struktur, dandukumentasi. Proses dalamanalisis data menggunakanreduksi data, penyajian data, danpenarikankesimpulan. Hasildaripenelitianiniadalah (1) pencapaianindicator denganskalarendahterhadap proses pengajarankarenapemahaman guru yang masihkurang. Alasannyaadalahpelatihan yang dilaksanakanolehpemerintahtidak optimal dandilaksanakanbaru 1 kali, (2) semuapesertamemilikipersepsiterhadapkelebihandaripelaksanaankurikulum 2013.Berikutkelebihannya,a) 5 langkahdalammengajaradalahrencanapembelajaran yang sangatbagus, b) pemerintahmenyediakanbukupelajaranuntuksekolah, c) parasiswalebihkreatifdanlebih independent dalammenemukanmateri yang akanmerekapresentasikandikelas. Akan tetapi, terdapatkelemahandaripelaksanaankurikukulum 2013. Kelemahaniniadalah a) materi ajar yang sama di kelas 1, 2, dan 3, dan b) waktumengajar yang terbatas. (3) beberapamasalah yang dihadapipadapelaksanaankurikulum 2013 di sekolahiniadalah (a) kurangnyaalokasiwaktumengajar, b) system penilaian yang rumit, c) bahan ajar ataumateri yang terlalubanyakd) silabusperludirevisiulangkarenabeberapakompetensi yang berada di kelas 1, 2, dan 3terulangbeberapa kali, e) terlalubanyaksiswadalam 1 kelas, f) kurangnyafasilitasdan media pembelajaran, g) dan yang terakhirkurangnyapelatihandaripelaksanaankurikulum 2013. Peneliti memberikan kesimpulan bahwaimplementasidarikurikulum 2013 yang dilaksanakantidakmemuaskandikarenakanfasilitas yang dibutuhkandalamimplementasikurikulumkurang.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2017 02:49
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2017 02:49

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