The Detection of Fertile Period Based on Calendar System and Salivary Ferning

Azis, Andi Asmawati and Kurnia, Nani and Hartati, Hartati and Pratiwi, Andi Citra and Purnamasari, A. Bida (2019) The Detection of Fertile Period Based on Calendar System and Salivary Ferning. In: AIP Conference Proceedings.

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Detection and monitoring of ovulation has long been practiced by women, particularly those participating in a natural family planning program. The urge of Indonesian Government for the society to participate in family planning program has caused the increasing demand for cheap and efficient method of self-test to predict fertile period in each menstrual cycle. The cheap, easy, and efficient method in predicting fertile period would be beneficial in encouraging more people to participate in natural family planning program. There are several low-cost methods can be used to detect the time of ovulation as an indication of fertile period, such as basal body temperature and cervical mucus. However, their interpretation is not always easy, particularly for young women. Calendar system and salivary ferning are two methods which have been perceived easy to be implemented and do not require special expertise, yet has been effective in promoting natural family planning practice. Calendar system is a method which requires a woman to keep track of menstrual cycle length using a calendar. Salivary ferning is the formation of crystal-like structure in woman’s saliva. While single method may have weakness, the use of calendar system and salivary ferning simultaneously may provide a better insight into woman’s fertile period. This study aimed to detect women’s fertile period based on calendar system and salivary ferning. The result of observation showed that salivary ferning pattern found on day 11 and 16 of a menstrual cycle which is included in fertile days based on calendar system. The formation of salivary ferning pattern during fertile period as calculated through the calendar system support the potential use of calendar system and salivary ferning simultaneously as a double check to detect fertile period.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: FMIPA > BIOLOGI - (S1)
Depositing User: Dr Muhiddin Palennari
Date Deposited: 22 Jun 2023 06:35
Last Modified: 24 Jun 2023 12:53

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