Teachers’ Nonverbal Immediacy in English Language Learning

Sudding, Fauzan Hari and Dollah, Syarifuddin and Sakkir, Geminastiti (2021) Teachers’ Nonverbal Immediacy in English Language Learning. PROCEEDING BOOK THE LANGUAGE TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 1 (1). pp. 197-217. ISSN 978-623-9672-6-07

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Students’ success in learning English is influenced by linguistic and non-linguistic factors. One of the non-linguistic factors is affective factors, such as students’ attitudes and motivation, and teachers’ behaviors. Teachers’ behaviors can make students feel comfortable or even anxious in the classroom which affects students’ learning achievement. Immediacy is a term used to point to positive behaviors which could enhance closeness between people who employed it in their communication. By employing immediacy, teacher is expected to have a positive relationship with their students which ultimately will have a positive effect on students’ attitude and motivation. This study investigated (1) how the students perceive teachers’ nonverbal immediacy that affects their attitude in learning English, and (2) how the students perceive teachers’ nonverbal immediacy that affects their motivation in learning English. This qualitative exploratory research applied purposive sampling technique taking one class in one of Vocational High School at Makassar as the subject of this research that was class X UPW 2 (Usaha Perjalanan Wisata/Travel Agent). The researcher used observation, questionnaires, and interview to collect the data. The results of this research showed that (1) 15 out of 16 teacher’s nonverbal immediacy behaviors were perceived positively and rated high in affecting the students’ positive attitude in learning English, and (2) 15 out of 16 teacher’s nonverbal immediacy behaviors were perceived positively and rated high in affecting the students’ high motivation in learning English. The researcher concluded that the students can have positive attitude and high motivation in learning English if teacher employs nonverbal immediacy behaviors in her teaching or interaction with the students.

Item Type: Article
Depositing User: Muh. Farid Sehuddin
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2021 00:51
Last Modified: 18 Oct 2021 00:51
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/21253

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