Evaluasi Program SupervisiAkademikPengawasSekolahMenengah di KabupatenKolaka Utara

MUHAMMAD, IRAWATI (2014) Evaluasi Program SupervisiAkademikPengawasSekolahMenengah di KabupatenKolaka Utara. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.

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ABSTRAK Penelitianevaluasiinibertujuanuntukmengetahuigambaran program supervisiakademikpengawassekolahmenengah di KabupatenKolaka Utara, yang meliputi: (1) kesesuaian program supervisiakademikpengawassekolahdengankebutuhan guru, kesesuaian program supervisiakademikdenganvisi/misisekolah, dankualifikasipengawassekolah, (2) pelaksanaansupervisiakademik (3) kemampuan guru dalammerencanakanpembelajaran, melaksanakanpembelajarandanmelakukanpenilaianhasilbelajarpesertadidik. Penelitianmenggunakan Model Countenance Stake, yang meliputievaluasiantecedents, transactions, danoutcome. Sumber data terdiridari guru, wakilkepalasekolahurusankurikulumdanpengawassekolahmenengah. Data dikumpulkanmenggunakankuesioner, pedomanwawancaradanlembarobservasi. Data dianalisissecaradeskriptifdenganmembandingkanhasilpenelitiandengankriteria yang telahditentukan. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa: (a) kesesuaian program supervisiakademikdengankebutuhan guru belumterpenuhi, kesesuaian program supervisiakademikdenganvisi/misisekolahtelahterpenuhi, sertakualifikasipengawassekolahumumnyasudahsesuaidengankriteria,namunpadasistemrekruitmenpengawassekolahdanpemenuhankompetensipengawassekolahmasihbelumterpenuhi. (b) pelaksanaanpemantauanempatstandarnasionalpendidikandanpenilaiankinerja guru sudahterlaksanasedangkanpembinaanterhadap guru belumterlaksanadenganbaik, yaknidalamaspekpenyusunanrencanapembelajaran, pelaksanaanpembelajaran, penilaianhasilbelajarpesertadidikdanpenyusunankaryatulisilmiah. (c) kemampuan guru merencanakanpembelajaran, melaksanakanpembelajarandanmelakukanpenilaianhasilbelajarpesertadidikpadaumumnyaberadadalamkategoribaik.Berdasarkanhasilpenelitianmakadirekomendasikankepada: (1)kepaladinaspendidikankabupatenkolakautara, agar memfasilitasipelaksanaanpelatihanterhadappengawassekolahuntukpeningkatankompetensipengawassekolah, danmemperbaikisistemrekruitmen yang selamainidilaksanakan. (2) koordinatorpengawassekolah, agar pelaksanaanmusyawarahkerjapengawassekolah (MKPS) lebihdioptimalkan agar pelaksanaantugaspokokdanfungsipengawassekolahkhususnyapenyusunan program supervisiakademiklebihtepatsasarandanpelaksanaannyalebih optimal. ABSTRACT IRAWATI MUHAMMAD. 2014.Evaluation of Academic Supervision Program of High School Supervisor in North Kolaka(Under the supervision of RusyadiandTriyantoPristiwaluyo). This research evaluation aimed to describe the academic supervision program of high school supervisor in North Kolaka, Wich consisted of: (1) the suitability of school supervisor academic supervision programs with the needs of teachers, the suitability of school supervisor academic supervision programs with schools vision and mission, and qualified supervisors; (2) implementation of academic supervision and (3) teachers’ competence in planning and implementing the lesson, as well as in assessing students’ learning outcomes. The research using Countenance Stake Model, including evaluation ofantecedents, transactions, danoutcomes. Source of data are teachers, vice principlas of curriculum affairs and school supervisor. Data collected using questionnaire, interview guidelines and observation sheets. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis by comparing the result of the research with the determined criterion. The result showed that: (a) the suitability of academic supervision programs with the needs of teachers is not fulfilled yet, the suitability of academic supervision programs with schools vision and mission is already meet and qualified supervisor is commonly have fulfilled. Nevertheless, recruitmen system of school supervisor and the compliance of school supervisor competencies still fulfilled yet; (b) the monitoring implementation of four national standards and teacher performance assessment has been done. While coaching teachers has not done well, namely on the aspect of preparation of lesson plans, instructional implementation, assessment of student learning outcomes and writing of scientific paper. (c) teachers’ competence in planning and implementing the lesson, as well as in assessing students’ learning outcomes are generally classified in a good category. Based on the research results, it is recommended to: (1) the chief of education office north kolaka, in order to facilitate the implementation of training for school supervisors to improvement supervisors competence, and improve the system of recruitment that has been implemented, (2) the coordinator of the school supervisors, that the implementation of school inspectors working deliberation further optimized for the implementation of the duties and functions of the school supervisors in particular the preparation of academic supervision programs better targeted and more optimal implementation.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ILMU PENDIDIKAN > Pendidkan
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2016 00:05
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2016 00:05
URI: http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/1764

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