Pengembangan PerangkatAssesmenAutentikPadaTopikKlasifikasi Benda di SMP

TABE, FITRIANI (2014) Pengembangan PerangkatAssesmenAutentikPadaTopikKlasifikasi Benda di SMP. Diploma thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR.

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ABSTRAK FITRIANI TABE. 2014.Pengembangan PerangkatAssesmenAutentikPadaTopikKlasifikasi Benda di SMP(dibimbing oleh AsmawatiAsizdanAlimuddin). Jenispenelitianiniadalahpenelitianpengembangan. Proses pengembangan instrument denganmenggunkanalangkah-langkahpengembangan yang dikemukakanolehDjaalidanMuljono. Subjekujicobaadalahsiswa SMP Negeri 1 TelluLimpoeKabupatenSidrapkelas VII.1 sebanyak 30 orang. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengembangkan instrument penilaianranahkognitif, afektifdanpsikomotorikkhususnyamateriklasifikasibendapadakelas VII semester ganjilditinjaudarisegikevalidandanreliabilitas. Produk yang dikehendakidalampenelitianiniadalah instrument penilaianranahkognitif, afektifdanpsikomotorik yang valid danreliabel. Produktersebutterdiridariempatkomponenyaitulembarpenilaiankognitif, lembarpenilaianself assessment (penilaiandiri) berupakuesionerskala Likert, lembarpenilaianranahafektifpadasaatpraktikumdanlembarpenilaianpsikomotorik. Hasil yang diperolehpadatahapujicobatersebutadalahinstrumenpenilaianranahkognitif, ranahafektifdanranahpsikomotorik yang valid danreliabel. Hal inidibuktikanberdasarkanhasilanalisisbaiksecarateoritisolehahli (expert judgement) maupunberdasarkananalisishasilujicoba (empiris) denganmenggunkanbantuan software SPSS 17. Hasil analisiskevalidansecarateoritisolehahli (expert judgement) beradapadakategori valid secarakeseluruhan, danhasilanalisisreliabelsecarateoritisdengannilaipercentage of agreementsebesar92,3 % untuklembarpenilaianranahkognitif, 91,67% untuklembarself assessmentranahkognitifdan 87,5% untuklembarpenilaianpadasaatpraktikumuntukranahafektifdanranahpsikomotorik. Selanjutnyaanalisis data hasilujicobadidapatkannilaikevalidansetiapaspeksecarakeseluruhan 0,3dannilaikekonsistenan/reliabilitasjuga 0,7. Berdasarkanhasil yang diperoleh, diharapkan guru-guru IPA Terpadupadakhususnya di SMP Negeri 1 TelluLimpoedapatmenggunakan instrument inidalamlingkupsekolahdandiharapkankepada guru IPA Terpadudancalonpenelitilainnya agar dapatmengembangkan instrument penilaianranahkognitif, afektifdanpsikomotorikpadamateri-materi lain sehinggapenilaiandapatdilakukansecaralebihmenyeluruh. ABSTRACT FlTRIANI TABE. 2014. The Development of Authentic Assessment Tools onClassification Objects at Junior High School (supervised by byAsmawatiAsiz andAlimuddin). This was a type of research and development. The process of instrumentdevelopment employed development stages by Djaali and Muljono, The subjects ofthe research were 30 students of class VII at SMP Negeri 1 TelluLimpoe in Sidrap.The purpose of this research was to develop assessment instruments in cognitive,affective and psychomotor domains, particularly the classification of object in termsof validity and reliability to the seventh grade students of the first semester. Theintended product was a valid and reliable assessment instrument in cognitive,affective and psychomotor domain. The product consisted of four components:cognitive assessment sheets, self-assessment sheets in the form of Likert scale questionnaire, affective assessment sheets during practicum, and psychomotor Assessment sheet The result obtained in the pilot stage was a valid and reliableassessment instrument in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The product was verified based on the results of both theoretical analysis by:the expert and the test result analysis (empirical) by using SPSS 17. The result of thevalidity analysis by the experts was in the category of completely valid, and the resultof the reliable analysis with the percentage of agreement was 92.3% for cognitiveassessment sheet, 91.67% for self-assessment cognitive sheet, and 87.5% for theassessment sheet during the practicum for the affective and psychomotor domains,The overall validity in every aspect was 0.3 and the value of consistency/reliability was 0.7. Based on the results obtained, it is expected that teachers of IntegratedScience, particularly in SMP Negeri 1 TelluLimpoe can use these instruments withinthe scope of the school and teachers of Integrated Science, and further researchers areexpected to develop assessment instruments in cognitive, affective, and>psychomotordomain; thus, and assessment can be done more comprehensively.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: FMIPA > BIOLOGI - (S1)
Date Deposited: 05 Dec 2016 00:28
Last Modified: 05 Dec 2016 00:28

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