YUSUF, ANISAH EDDY (2013) Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran TIK berbasis Macromedia Director di SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga. S1 thesis, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MAKASSAR.
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ABSTRAK ANISAH EDDY YUSUF. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran TIK berbasis Macromedia Director di SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga. (Dibimbing Oleh: Husain Syam, dan Abdul Muis Mappalotteng) Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan suatu perangkat pembelajaran TIK berbasis macromedia director yang valid, praktis, dan efektif pada pada pokok bahasan perangkat lunak pengolah angka untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Palangga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan menggunakan model Four-D yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu pendefinisian (define), perancangan (design), dan pengembangan (develop), dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Pada tahapan pendefinisian, dilakukan analisis batasan materi pembelajaran yang akan divisualisasikan. Pada tahapan perancangan bertujuan untuk merancang prototype perangkat pembelajaran. Untuk tahapan pengembangan, produk awal media pembelajaran diuji kelayakannya dengan cara divalidasi oleh ahli media dan ahli materi, perbaikan dilakukan setelah adanya masukan dari para ahli. Ujicoba produk untuk menguji keefektifan dan kepraktisan. Media pembelajaran dilakukan pada kelas VIII-10 SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga yang terdiri dari 3 orang siswa untuk ujicoba perorangan, 10 orang siswa untuk ujicoba kelompok kecil dan 20 orang siswa untuk ujicoba lapangan, pada setiap akhir ujicoba dilakukan revisi sesuai hasil penilaian subjek coba. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif, dengan mengkategorikan setiap jawaban subjek coba. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebuah prototype media perangkat pembelajaran TIK berbasis macromedia director yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Kepraktisan ditunjukkan dari terpenuhnya syarat-syarat kepraktisan pembelajaran TIK, yaitu: keterlaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran dan ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal tercapai. Keefektifan produk ditunjukkan melalui beberapa kriteria keefektifan berada pada kategori baik. Hal tersebut dilihat dari hasil validasi ahli media memperoleh rerata dengan kategori sangat baik, ahli materi memperoleh rerata dengan kategori baik, penilaian pengguna/respon siswa memperoleh rerata dengan kategori sangat baik, aktifitas guru memperoleh rerata dengan kategori sangat baik, dan aktifitas siswa memperoleh rerata dengan kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perangkat pembelajaran dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran sesungguhnya dengan peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran. ABSTRACT ANISAH EDDY YUSUF. 2013. Development of Information and Communication Learning Instrument with Macromedia Director Basis at SMPN 1 Pallangga (supervised by Husain Syam and Abdul Muis Mappalotteng) The purpose of this study to produce a device for TIK based learning macromedia director valid, practical, and effective on the subject of the spreadsheet software for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Palangga. The method used in this research is research Research and Development (R & D) by using a model of Four-D developed by Thigarajan which consists of three phases, namely definition (define), design (design), and development (develop), the data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. In the definition phase, the learning material restriction analysis to be visualized. At the design stage aims to design prototype instructional media devices. And for stages of development, the initial product was tested for feasibility study media by media experts and validated by subject matter experts, repairs made after input from experts. Product trial to test the effectiveness and practicality. Medium of learning is done in class VIII-10 SMP Negeri 1 Pallangga consisting of 3 students for individual trials, 10 trials for small groups of students and 20 students for field trials, at the end of each trial was revised according to the results subject assessment test. The analysis technique used is descriptive, the subject tried to categorize every answer. Results of this study is a prototype-based TIK learning media device macromedia director valid, practical and effective. Demonstrated the practicality of Unfulfilled terms of practicality TIK learning, namely completed media and learning tools in the classical mastery learning achieved. Product effectiveness is shown through some criteria of effectiveness are in either category. It is seen from the results of the validation media expert category gained an average very good, average matter experts both categories, user ratings average student responses obtained with very good category, the average activity of teachers to get with excellent category, and activities students gain an average with a very good category. Based on these results, learning media can be used in real learning in the hopes of improving the quality of learning. ABSTRACK NATAN.2013. Development of 3 Dimension Media of Elektrical System of Light Vehicles Engineering for Students at SMK 2 Palopo (supervised by Muhammd Yahya and Riana T. Mangesa). The study was a development research which aimed at developing 3 dimension media, which was qualified and effective to be used in electrical system subject learning. The model used in the study referred to Four-D development consisted of 4 stages, namely (1) the defining stage which conducted to determine and define the requirement of development or need analysis, (2) the design stage which conducted to construct the test criteria, selected learning media which was suitable with the material and students’ characteristics, (3) the development stage which conducted an evaluation by the experts, conducted revision and the tryout as well as the implementation of the model, and (4) the dissemination stage which was conducted by socialization of the teaching material through the distribution of limited numbers to teachers and students. The 3 dimension media developed has been validated by two experts and was revised to obtain feasible product. The tryout was conducted in three stages, namely one to one tryout, small group tryout, and limited tryout conducted at SMKN 2 Palopo. The results of the study effective because it has fulfilled the criteria of effectiveness with the results: (1) students’ activity was in the set of tolerance limit, (2) teachers’ activity has met the aspect of observation, and (3) the result of learning outcomes on starter and charging system has achieved the learning mastery. Keywords: development of 3 dimension learning media, the effectiveness of 3 dimension media
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Subjects: | PASCASARJANA > Manajemen Pendidikan |
Depositing User: | UPT PERPUSTAKAAN UNM |
Date Deposited: | 30 Nov 2016 07:25 |
Last Modified: | 30 Nov 2016 07:25 |
URI: | http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/1368 |
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