Kasmawati, Kasmawati (2013) Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Wacana Argumentasi Melalui Metode Peta Konsep Siklus (cycle concept map) Siswa Kelas XI Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) SMK Negeri 2 Jeneponto. S1 thesis, Universitas Negeri Makassar.
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ABSTRAK KASMAWATI “Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Wacana Argumentasi Melalui Metode Peta Konsep Siklus (cycle concept map) Siswa Kelas XI Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) SMK Negeri 2 Jeneponto”. (dibimbing oleh Muhammad Rapi Tang dan H. Akmal Hamsa) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji; proses dan hasil penerapan atau pelaksanaan “cycle concept maping”, dalam menulis wacana argumentasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) dan lokasi penelitian SMK Negeri 2 Jeneponto. Fokus penelitian adalah aktivitas guru dan siswa, dalam proses pembelajaran menulis wacana argumentasi melalui “cycle concept map”. Sumber data dalam penelitan ini, guru Bahasa Indonesia dan siswa SMK Negeri 2 Jeneponto kelas XI TKJ. Data penelitian berupa data pelaksanaan dan data hasil. Instrumen penelitian soal uraian. Teknik pengumpulan data hasil observasi dan tes. dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; penerapan “cycle concept map’’, dalam menulis wacana argumentasi siswa kelas XI Teknik Komputer Jaringan (TKJ) SMK Negeri 2 Jeneponto mengalami peningkatan. Aktivitas guru pada siklus I berada pada kategori kurang, dikerenakan ada beberapa kegiatan pembelajaran yang belum terlaksana. Demikian pula kegiatan siswa pada Siklus I berada pada kategori kurang aktif. Sikap, respon, dan antusias siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan ““cycle concept map”, masih belum nampak. Pada siklus II, proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dan lancar, karena seluruh rangkaian pembelajaran dapat dilaksanakan oleh guru dan siswa. Aktivitas guru pada siklus II berada pada kategori sangat baik demikianpun aktivitas siswa berada pada kategori sangat baik. Hasil penilaian pembelajaran menulis wacana argumentasi dengan menggunakan “cycle concept map’’,pada siswa kelas XI SMK Negeri 2 Jeneponto mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hasil menulis siswa pada siklus I, diperoleh dengan jumlah rata-rata kelas 63.62%, berada pada kategori kurang, nilai tertinggi 92 dan nilai terandah 42. Pada siklus II hasil menulis berada pada kategori baik dengan jumlah rata-rata 89.69% dengan nilai tertinggi 100 dan nilai terendah 64. Dengan demikian, penerapan ”(cycle concept map)”, dapat meningkatkan proses dan hasil belajar menulis wacana argumentasi kelas XI (TKJ) SMK Negri 2 Jeneponto. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat diajukan saran; (1) Bagi guru hendaknya menerapkan “cycle concept map”, dalam menulis wacana argumentasi untuk merangsang potensi, kreativatas, dan inovasi siswa dalam belajar. (2) Bagi peneliti lanjut hendaknya mengembangkan penelitian tindakan kelas lebih optimal dan menerapkan (“cycle concept Map)”, sebagai solusi dalam menulis wacana argumentasi. ABSTRACT KASMAWATI. Skills Improvement on Writing Argumentative Discourse Though Cycle Concept Map of Grade Xi Students of Computer Network Engineering at SMK 2 Jeneponto (supervised by Muhammad Rapi Tang and Akmal Hamsa) The study aimed at discovering the process and the result of the implementation of Cycle Concept Map in writing argumentation discourse. The study was a classroom action researcsh which conducted at SMK 2 Jeneponto. The focus of the study was teacher and students’ activity in the learning process of writing argumentative discourse through Cycle Concept Map. The sources of the study were Bahasa Indonesia teacher and grade XI students of Conputer engineering in SMK 2 Jeneponto. Data of the study were the implementation data and result data. The instrument of the study was essays questions. Data were collected through observation and test. The data the were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative . The result of the study indicated that the implementation of Cycle Concept Map in writing argumentative discourse of grade XI student of Computer Network Engineering at SMKN 2 Jeneponto was improved. Teacher’s activity at cycle I was lacking due to several learning activities were not implemented yet. The students’ activity at cycle I was also in less activity category. The attitude, response, and enthusiast of students in following in the learning using Cycle Concept Map were not tangible yet. At cycle II, the process ran well and smoothly because all series of learning were conducted by teacher and students. Teacher activity at cycle II was in extremely good category as well as students activity was in extremely good category. The evaluatin result of writing argumentative discourse using Cycle Concept Map of grade XI students at SMKN 2 Jeneponto was improved significantly. The result of students’ writing skills at cycle was obtained with the class average of 63.62%, which was in poor category. The highest scose was 92 and the lowest 42. At cycle II the, 100 and the lowest was 64. Thus, the implementation of Cycle Concept Map could improve the process and the learning result of wrinting argumentastive discourse of grade XI of Computer Network Engineering at SMKN 2 Jenepont. The suggestions based on the study were (1) teachers should implement the Cycle Concept Map in writing argumentative discourse to stimulate the potential, creativity, and innovation of students and learning, (2) other researchers should develop the classroom action research optimally and implement the cycle concept map as solution in writing argumentative discourse.
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Subjects: | ILMU PENDIDIKAN > Pendidkan |
Depositing User: | UPT PERPUSTAKAAN UNM |
Date Deposited: | 10 Oct 2016 00:55 |
Last Modified: | 10 Oct 2016 00:55 |
URI: | http://eprints.unm.ac.id/id/eprint/1041 |
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